Thursday, June 30, 2005

I Support Everything

In the parking lot of my office building there is a beat up old chevy that has no less than 19 ribbon-support-magnet-thingies. Sure a couple are duplicates, but isn't there a cap on how much one can truly support? I mean, isn't it simply EXHAUSTING to care so much?

I support the troops!
I support the NRA!
I support breast cancer! I mean, well, that came out wrong.

I have a headache just from thinking about caring so much, about supporting so many different concepts and people and warmongering profiteers.

After awhile doesn't all of this varying support actually hurt your different causes? I mean, if I really and truly support the war in Iraq, isn't the time I'm spending caring so much about it take away from the time I should be caring about my right to shoot shit, and thereby diminish that cause?

19 magnets. I didn't count all of the american flag: stickers, license plate holders, mud flaps, antenna balls and such. I didn't want to get shot by a redneck thinking I was casing his rolling shrine of care.

Missouri. "The Show Me State." I finally get what the hell that means. We SHOW that we CARE here. Whether it be with magnets or billboards (there's one by my house that simply says "JESUS" in 12-foot letters. Since when does Jesus need an outdoor advertising campaign? But I digress), we'll let you know just how concerned we really are.


Blogger Kelly said...

I almost broke up with someone for suggesting I put a ribbon on my car.

People's level of "support" is pretty ridiculous. Especially since most of these same "supporters" could not even tell you what the current state of their cause is or what is being done to change it or how it began.

My friend wrote a funny blog about ribbon magnets. Check her out...

2:32 PM  

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