Monday, November 21, 2005

We're number three!

'Just to recap: in recent weeks Missouri was rated #1 in meth lab closures (twice the volume of the second state), #1 in syphilis, and #3 in ghonnerea cases. Those are all fine and dandy when it comes to awards, but today it was announced that St. Louis is the THIRD most dangerous city to live in!

You know the city is struggling hard when the opening line in the local paper is:
"St. Louis isn't the most dangerous city in which you can live, but it's close, according to a report released today by a private research firm." This is a paper that can take ANY news regarding any story throughout the planet and not only find a connection to SL, but do so in a positive light.

I say, stop fighting it, SL! Embrace your inner edginess! There are a million ways to die in this city, and we should wear that like a badge of fucking honor!

Hip-hip-hooray! "We're gunning for you, Detroit. " Catchy new ad slogan for the fine folks at the tourism board.

On a side note, the most dangerous cities seem for the most part to be located in red states, while the safest are blue. Coincidence?


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