Monday, April 03, 2006

Weekend Update

dog is my copilot, originally uploaded by jasonmlott.
Weekend update:
  • Went to Atomic Cowboy for dinner and drinks on Friday. We love this bar, seeing as it resembles something found in California more than the Lou. Good dj's, a nice patio with bonfire, an eclectic mix of gays, striaghts, diffferent races. And people: they actually have a better-than-decent fish taco here. Full on baja-style, with shredded cabbage and lightly breaded fish. The guacamole is homemade and fan-friggin-tastic. It's no Yuca's, but not bad for SL.
  • Saturday morning we went for a hike "out 55" (read: south on highway 55) to a beautiful limestone slot canyon. Nice little walk, with a lot of water and muliple stream crossings. Payton was in doggie heaven, spending more time in the creek than on trail.
  • Saturday night I drank wine and watched the NCAA basketball tourney, which ends this evening. Melissa is happy about this, as is my kidneys. But, alas, baseball season starts today. The Cards are a religion in this town, not just a sport, and I have happily joined the bandwagon.
  • I mentioned below our crazy-drunken-hermit neighbor, and her puzzling disappearance. Shortly after my posting, she returned (from either her stint in rehab or Florida) without fanfare. On sunday morning, we were awoken with a crazy thunderstorm before dawn. Melissa woke up and looked out the bathroom window, which overlooks her yeard. She was OUT IN THE RAIN, in a bathrobe, cleaning up the newspaper pile I had previously mentioned. Thunder and lightening were crashing around her while the crazy old bat collected newspapers in the semi darkness. Did she read my blog? Is there a neighborhood spy alerting her to my post? If so, let this stand as a formal invitation to Crazy Hermit Neighbor Lady to come over and introduce yourself over cocktails. It's only been a year, it would be nice to get to know you.


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