Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Bad Uncle

Reading Andrea's superhero blog ( from today got me all reflective and melancholy.

I've never changed Willow's diaper, and everyday that passes is another noise, laugh, hurdle that I've missed from the evolution of my beautiful niece. Am I destined to be that far-away uncle that only sends unwanted gifts, or shows up buzzed for tofu-turkey on thanksgiving?

I'm pretty close to my uncles and didn't get to spend everyday with them growing up, but at least we were in the same state...the same time zone (damn you, sucky Central Standard Time zone). Will little Willow have a funny name for me, like my Uncle Duck?

The entire thought is just too depressing: I'm booking a flight to Santa Fe tonight. Or maybe I'll suddenly become creative and musical and put something together like Arlo's Uncle:

Munchkin, if you're reading this 15 years from now, know that your uncle in far away Missouri (that still doesn't sound right) was thinking about you on this day. Hopefully by then you'll be my neighbor and you're sick of my being around and interested in your life and beating up all of your boyfriends.


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