Friday, August 12, 2005


5 Idiosyncratic tendencies of Jason, the bid-headed OCD-ite (thanks to for the idea :

1) When putting anything on my feet, whether flip flop, shoe or sock, Left foot ALWAYS goes first. Failing to do so has the potential of ruining the entire day.

2) Everytime I glance at the clock and the numbers ad up to 10, I have to say "wow." I have absolutely no idea why, or when I started this.

3) In shower: shampoo, condition, soap, rinse all. Start over if for whatever reason this ritual gets thrown off.

4) Cannot stand the words "moist" or "doily." Melissa loves making up sentences that involve both, which makes my skin crawl but I love her doing anyways.

5) When cooking, each separate ingredient gets its own bowl while prepping. I am a nightmare to clean up for after cooking...every bowl in the house often gets utilized.


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