Monday, August 08, 2005

Not Bad for a Beginner

There's a wonderfully kind man on my floor at work, who we'll call Clem. Because that is his name, and nobody other than girlfriend and brother read this, and even then sporadically.

Every time I see Clem in the hallway, which happens to be every day, his response to my "How are you today" question is always...always..."Not bad for a beginner." You know, because he's old and shit. Delivered with a perfect smile and tilt of the head...the funniest joke delivered with perfect timing.

But every single time I see you, Clem? For awhile I would try and find ways to say hello and inquire about your general state of mind without leaving it open for you to give this response. It was our little game. But Clem, my man, you started to cheat. In response to "How was your weekend?" You went ahead and told me it was not bad for a beginner. That doesn't even make any sense Clem. Not even close. You can do better. I would like to think that you were being tongue and cheek and gave that reply because you were acknowledging defeat in our little joke, but really don't think that was the case. You cheated, man.

I don't talk much to Clem anymore. I don't know if it because he's a cheater or because he's old and likes to remind me of that everytime I see him.


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