Friday, July 14, 2006

A Quick Note to Edward

You owe me $50.

"We Need It"

I overheard the above-referenced statement no less than six times in an hour yesterday, in reference to an unexpected rainstorm rolling through the area.

I know, people. I completely agree that we need the precipitation. But, for the love of Neil Diamond, can we PLEASE just pretend that we have other things to talk about? Can we please just vary from our polite-Midwestern-script just a little bit?

As a side note: please put me down like Barbaro. The transormation is complete: I just referred to myself as a midwesterner. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Ted Stevens Has Been Pulling Massive, Massive Tubes

Much ado has been made of late about Ted “The Internet Is Not a Big Truck” Stevens’ comments regarding the internet a few days ago. The Daily Show had a great piece on it, and the topic is already very close to dead horse status.

That being said, this techno remix absolutely kills me (via wonkette):

The question is: is the internet not a big truck because all the big trucks are stuck in traffic on his pork-laden "Bridge to Nowhere"?

Thursday, July 13, 2006


drops, originally uploaded by jasonmlott.

All kinds of crazy happenings going on out here in Mizzurah. Unplugging from the blog while things work themselves out.

*A collective sigh is felt around the country, as thousands of my minions bow their heads in sadness. Carry on, my deadicated readers, and know that there is life beyond this blog.*