Friday, March 31, 2006

springtime in SL

spring, originally uploaded by jasonmlott.

70 and sunny...spring is slowly creeping into SL. Things to look forward to:

-Jean shorts. Budweiser tank tops.
-Bass fishin reports as lead news items
-Meth mouth fashion statements
-Robins chirping wildly at 3:30 am
-Praxair explosions
-Allergens and mosquitos

-Cardinal games
-Free concerts at the botannical garden
-Outdoor dinners on CWE patios
-Forest Park
-Barbecues not requiring fleece
-Discovering WTF this "warshers" game is
-Wentzville dog park and frolf course

I guess it all really depends on how snarky we're feeling today?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Extra Large Vegas Ambulances

All you can eat buffets. Outdoor moving sidewalks. A culture trying everything in its power to distance itself from anything of the natural world.

Why am I not suprised that the city of Las Vegas now has to special order extra large ambulances?

And, if you need an extra large bus to drive you to the ER, aren't ya kinda past helping anyways? Much of a need to rush you to the hospital? Wouldn't the walk do ya good?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

9/11 Conspiracy

I don't know if I am embarrassed, ashamed, or angry, but pieces like the attached really make me wonder about the possibility that we were fed a hoax regarding 9/11.

Like most americans I certainly do not want to think about it any more than I have to, go through the pain again. But, if there is a "they, or them"...and I'm not yet saying there is... isn't that exactly what they want? For us all to silently believe what we were spoon fed, and be afraid?

Watch the second with an open mind, when you have some time.

I do not have a tinfoil hat on my head.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tuesday Randomness

  • Us Missouri-ans (missourites? missouronians?) are all very excited about the glorious return of spring. As I gaze out of my office window, I see tulips blossoming, robins chirping, and girls in sundresses. Or not. What I really see is an inch of snow, howling winds, and depressing gray clouds. Damn, the peyote must be wearing off.
  •'s spellcheck doesn't recognize the word "blogger."
  • The lady who lives next door to us is a drunken hermit. We only see her when she's parking her car on the street after baseball games (bumper-car parallel parking, mind you), or when she's yelling at people parking in "her spot." Her spot consists of the chunk of public street in front of her house.* With the exception of one brief sighting, the last time we saw her was on Halloween. She had gotten pulled over by the police, for what we all assumed was drunk driving. When the officer asked her to step out of the car...I shit you not...she fell out of the car and into the officers arms. Somehow she wasn't arrested, and the cops were friendly enough to park her own car for her. If she was too drunk to park her own car, wouldn't logic dictate she be arrested for DWI? She didn't actually hit the ground: is this "no harm, no foul" in Missurah? So, anyways...she's been missing ever since. Jail? Rehab? Snowbird? Locked in her basment with 137 cases of Costco whiskey? Honestly, I could care less. What bothers me is that she hasn't cancelled her newspaper subscription. The delivery guys are smart enough to throw the papers into her backyard, but the collection of old papers is getting HUGE. Completely over running her backyard, and spilling into ours. Photographic evidence to follow shortly. At least she collects backdated news stories and not cats.
  • Wedding planning is actually kinda fun. We're planning a long weekend in baja, an extended party for friends and family. Guestlists and locations and cocktail parties and golf outings are easy. What I didn't see coming are the protocols invloved in invitations, save the dates, colors, flowers, the cake, etc. We're getting married in Mexico: can't we do without alot of this protocol crap? Melissa's response, time and time again, is a firm: "yes." I am blessed: no bridezilla nightmare up over here. For now. Just don't fuck with the dress.
  • *Melissa was complaining the other day about somebody parking in "her" spot, in front of our house. Is she on her way to becoming a crazy drunken hermit who doesn't retrieve newspapers from her yard? Is this a Missouri thing? It's a public street, folks. In San Francisco you're lucky if you find a place to park in the same area code as your front door, much less in front.
  • We went and saw Wilco live on Sunday. I completely missed the Wilco thing for years...Apparently, I was too busy going to clubs 5 nights a week in CA to really appreciate what is really a good band. Gotta love discovering something cool later in life. Even if I did completely miss the boat. What am I missing now?
  • If you answer Hillary Duff or any other "band" on MTV, please move on.
  • We cook fabulous meals almost every evening. Tonight, however, I am serving corndogs and chili, with girl scout cookies for dessert. We're a long way from california cuisine, Todo.
  • Speaking of girl scout cookies: 1) When the hell did it become acceptable for parents to hawk huge amounts of their kid's product at offices? Lazy, coddled kids these days, the spoiled friggin brats. 2) Is it disgusting to eat an ENTIRE BOX of tagalongs in one sitting?

Okay, I am listed out, as I am sure you are too.

Monday, March 13, 2006

hotel valley ho

hotel valley ho, originally uploaded by jasonmlott.

Melissa and I spent the weekend in Arizona a friend's wedding. I pictured a triumphant return to the town in which I attended college, hours in between activities spent laying poolside, sipping on margaritas. I booked us a room at the impossibly hip Hotel Valley Ho for the sole purpose of having a cool pool by which to lounge.*

Friday was cold, windy and cloudy, and it rained all day Saturday. ALL DAY SATURDAY. They got SNOW in Arizona, folks. Thankfully, the wedding and reception were indoors so there were not any interruptions for Brandon and Amy’s ceremonies. But damn, I should have saved the money and stayed at a pool-less Holiday Inn.

Oh, and it was 85 degrees here in Missouri on Saturday. Perfect pool weather, less the tornadoes.

Can I chalk this up as me harboring some kind of bad-karma-weather action, or blame it on the age-old standby: global warming? Either way, am I crazy for planning an outdoor wedding, even in Cabo? Have I never heard the word, "hurricane?"

*click though for more pics via my flickr page

brandon and amy

brandon and amy, originally uploaded by jasonmlott.


redchair, originally uploaded by jasonmlott.

i have something in my eye

i have something in my eye, originally uploaded by jasonmlott.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Midwest Represent...

The beginning is slow, but if I can't get the Lazy mania out of my head, than ya'll are gonna have to go with me. Straight outta Hudson, yo.